NHANES Data API Documentation

GitHub PyPI

Attention: Please take a look at the Disclaimer before using the tool

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Getting Started
  3. API Reference
  4. Examples
  5. Troubleshooting

1. Introduction

The NHANES pyTOOL ‘API’ is a Python library designed to simplify the process of accessing and analyzing data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). NHANES is a program of studies conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), to assess the health and nutritional status of adults and children in the United States.

This tool provides an easy-to-use interface for retrieving NHANES datasets, allowing researchers, data science professionals, health professionals, developers and other stakeholders to explore NHANES data efficiently, enabling a wide range of health-related analyses and applications.

2. Getting Started

2.1 Installation

To install the NHANES pyTOOL API, you can use pip:

pip install nhanes_pytool_api

2.2 Quick Start

You can get started quickly with the NHANES Data API by following these steps:

from nhanes_data.nhanes_data_api import NHANESDataAPI

# Initialize the NHANESDataAPI object
nhanes_api = NHANESDataAPI()

# Explore NHANES data
# ...

3. API Reference

3.1 NHANESDataAPI Class

3.1.1 Initialization


Initialize the NHANESDataAPI.

Note: The initialization of the NHANESDataAPI class with data_directory is not necessary for users to start utilizing the tool. You can directly create an instance of the class as shown in the Quick Start section.

3.1.2 List Data Categories


List the available NHANES data categories.


3.1.3 List Cycle Years


List the available NHANES cycle years.


3.1.4 List File Names

list_file_names(data_category, cycle_years=None)

Get a list of unique values in the ‘Data File Description’ column for a specific data category and optional cycle years.



3.1.5 Retrieve Cycle Data File Name Mapping

retrieve_cycle_data_file_name_mapping(data_category, file_name)

Retrieve a dictionary of years and Data File Names based on a given “Data File Description.”



3.1.6 Get Common and Uncommon Variables

get_common_and_uncommon_variables(data_category, cycle_years)

Find common and uncommon variables across multiple cycle years for a specific data category.



3.1.7 Retrieve Data

retrieve_data(data_category, cycle, filename, include_uncommon_variables=True, specific_variables=None)

Retrieve data for a specific data category, cycle year(s), and data file description.



3.1.8 Join Data Files

join_data_files(cycle_year, data_category1, file_name1, data_category2, file_name2, include_uncommon_variables=True)

Join two data files from specified data categories and file names based on the common variable SEQN.

4. Examples

4.1 List Operations

4.1.1 List Data Categories and Cycle Years

from nhanes_data.nhanes_data_api import NHANESDataAPI

# Initialize the NHANESDataAPI
nhanes_api = NHANESDataAPI()

# List available data categories
data_categories = api.list_data_categories()
print("Data Categories:", data_categories)

# List available cycle years
cycle_years = nhanes_api.list_cycle_years()
print("Cycle Years:", cycle_years)

4.1.2 List File Names

from nhanes_data.nhanes_data_api import NHANESDataAPI

# Initialize the NHANESDataAPI
nhanes_api = NHANESDataAPI()

# Specify the data category and cycle years (optional)
data_category = "examination"
cycle_years = ["2005-2006", "2007-2008"]

# List unique data file descriptions
file_names = nhanes_api.list_file_names(data_category, cycle_years)
print("Unique Data File Descriptions:", file_names)

4.2 Data Retrieval

4.2.1 Retrieve Cycle Data File Name Mapping

from nhanes_data.nhanes_data_api import NHANESDataAPI

# Initialize the NHANESDataAPI
nhanes_api = NHANESDataAPI()

# Specify the data category and file name
data_category = "examination"
file_name = "Body Measures"

# Retrieve a dictionary of years and Data File Names
file_name_mapping = nhanes_api.retrieve_cycle_data_file_name_mapping(data_category, file_name)
print("Cycle Data File Name Mapping:", file_name_mapping)

4.2.2 Get Common and Uncommon Variables

from nhanes_data.nhanes_data_api import NHANESDataAPI

# Initialize the NHANESDataAPI
nhanes_api = NHANESDataAPI()

# Specify the data category and cycle years
data_category = "examination"
cycle_years = ["2005-2006", "2007-2008"]

# Find common and uncommon variables
common_variables, uncommon_variables, variable_cycles_dict = nhanes_api.get_common_and_uncommon_variables(data_category, cycle_years)
print("Common Variables:", common_variables)
print("Uncommon Variables:", uncommon_variables)
print("Variable Cycles Dictionary:", variable_cycles_dict)

4.2.3 Retrieve Data

from nhanes_data.nhanes_data_api import NHANESDataAPI

# Initialize the NHANESDataAPI
nhanes_api = NHANESDataAPI()

# Specify the data category, cycle year, and data file description
data_category = "examination"
cycle = "2005-2006"
file_name = "Body Measures"

# Retrieve data
data = nhanes_api.retrieve_data(data_category, cycle, file_name)
print("Retrieved Data:")

4.2.4 Join Data Files

from nhanes_data.nhanes_data_api import NHANESDataAPI

# Initialize the NHANESDataAPI
nhanes_api = NHANESDataAPI()

# Specify the cycle year, data categories, and file names
cycle_year = "2005-2006"
data_category1 = "examination"
file_name1 = "Body Measures"
data_category2 = "demographics"
file_name2 = "Demographic Variables & Sample Weights"

# Join data files
joined_data = nhanes_api.join_data_files(cycle_year, data_category1, file_name1, data_category2, file_name2)
print("Joined Data:")

5. Troubleshooting

5.1 Handling Errors

The NHANES Data API includes error handling to manage various issues that might arise during usage. Below are some common error scenarios and how they are handled:

5.2 Error Messages

Here are some common error messages you may encounter when using the NHANES Data API:

Important Note

Attention: In the current version of the NHANES Data API (version 0.1.0), we do not provide a command-line interface (CLI) for direct use from the terminal. This means that you cannot run the API from the command line to access NHANES data. Instead, the API is designed for use as a library in Python scripts or applications.

Future Updates - We are continuously improving the NHANES Data API, and in future versions, we may consider adding a command-line interface for easier interaction with the API from the terminal. Until then, please use the API in your Python scripts or applications.

Additional Resources

For more details on how to use the NHANES Data API, please refer to the official API documentation on our GitHub repository: API Documentation.

For reporting issues or requesting new features, please visit our Bug Tracker.


Contributions are welcome! For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

GitHub Issue

If you encounter any issues, bugs, or have suggestions for improvements, please use our GitHub Issue. Our development team actively monitors this repository, and this is the recommended way to report problems or suggest enhancements. To help us address your issue effectively, please follow these guidelines:

  1. Search Existing Issues: Before creating a new issue, please search the existing issues to check if someone has already reported a similar problem or request. If you find a related issue, you can contribute to the existing discussion.

  2. Provide Details: When reporting a bug, provide as much detail as possible about the problem you encountered. Include information about your environment, code, and any error messages you received. For feature requests, explain your use case and how the proposed feature would benefit the project.

  3. Use Labels: Our issue tracker uses labels to categorize and prioritize issues. These labels help us identify the nature of each issue. You can use labels such as “bug,” “enhancement,” or “question” to classify your issue.

Our team will review and respond to issues as soon as possible. Thank you for your contributions and feedback!

GitHub Issue


Current Limitation

The NHANES pyTOOL API is designed to work exclusively with NHANES data from pre-pandemic cycle years (1999-2000 to 2017-2018). Please note that the tool does not currently support NHANES data from the COVID-19 pandemic and post-pandemic eras.


The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on NHANES data collection.

NHANES data collection during the COVID-19 pandemic

In March 2020, the NHANES program suspended field operations due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This meant that data collection for the 2019-2020 cycle was not completed. As a result, data collected from 2019 to March 2020 were combined with data from the 2017-2018 cycle to form a nationally representative sample of NHANES 2017-March 2020 pre-pandemic data.

Data collection for the 2019-2022 cycle resumed in September 2020, but with some modifications to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission. These modifications included:

Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on NHANES data

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a number of impacts on NHANES data, including:

These changes to NHANES data collection make it more difficult to develop and maintain a tool that can reliably work with data from both the pre-pandemic and pandemic eras. For this reason, we have decided to focus on supporting NHANES data from the pre-pandemic cycle years in the first version of the NHANES pyTOOL API.

Future Plans

We are committed to making the NHANES pyTOOL API the most comprehensive and user-friendly tool for working with NHANES data. To this end, we plan to add support for NHANES data from the COVID-19 pandemic and post-pandemic eras in future versions of the tool. We will also continue to monitor the NHANES data collection process and make updates to the tool as needed.

Downloading Data

If you require NHANES data from during the COVID-19 pandemic and post-pandemic eras (2019-2020 +), you can manually download it from the NHANES webpage. Visit the following link: NHANES Data Download.

More Information

For additional information about NHANES, please visit the official NHANES website: NHANES Information.

User Support

If you have questions or need support related to the NHANES pyTOOL API, please feel free to contact us.

Legal Notices

Before using NHANES data, please ensure that you comply with all legal and usage restrictions associated with NHANES datasets. Please be aware of your responsibilities regarding data usage and distribution.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and we appreciate your understanding.