Data Science krusere_portfolio

Data Science:

Check-Out my Data Science Projects

Developing a Score to Measure Riskiness of Residential Properties Insurance

Developing a Score to Measure Riskiness of Residential buildings, Homes, Apartments and Condos as part of an insurance policy underwriting. Insurance underwriting is how an insurance company evaluates its risk. In this project, we identify and explore multiple data sources to collect variables that could be used to develop a score that measures the riskiness of residential buildings to aid the insurance underwriting process.

  • machine-learning
  • insurance risk-assessment
  • kmodes-clustering
  • nyc-opendata
  • homeowners-insurance
  • residential-insurance

Market Basket Analysis on Online Retail Data

Market basket analysis, a powerful technique that's used to identify associations and patterns among products frequently purchased together by customers with an objective to gain insights into customer behavior, optimize product offerings, improve inventory management, and enhance customer retention.Thus, Providing a Retail Business with a business strategy to improve their bottom line.

  • customer-retention
  • data-analysis
  • business-analytics
  • market-basket-analysis
  • customer-segmentation
  • association-rule-mining
  • product-recommendation
  • market-strategy